April 15, 1944 – June 28, 2021
Early in the morning on June 28, 2021, Beverly Singleton woke in the arms of her Savior Jesus Christ. After a 2-year fight with cancer, her family was reminded that her life on earth wasn’t the ultimate goal after all, but rather the precursor to her eternal life in Heaven which has only just begun. Praise God!
Even so, Bev lived her life on earth with great joy. Laughter, exuberance, and ready smiles filled her days, and the days of everyone who got to share life with her. She sang all throughout the day. Her family learned to stop and listen for her singing, which was a faster way to find her than walking from room to room. She could most often be found travelling with her “James Darling,” loving on her grandkids, gardening, walking with friends, or singing with her church choir friends. Her joyful presence will be dearly missed.
Bev was born in Underwood, North Dakota to Otto and Alma Kesselring. At 17 years old, she spent a year in Seattle, WA with her sister, Marjorie. From 1962-1966, Bev attended Covenant College in St. Louis, Missouri, where she majored in Bible. She met the love of her life, James E. Singleton while attending college, and they were married on July 1, 1966. Their family increased with the births of Clay, Kirk, and Kendra.
Bev blessed the world with her work in radio ministry, getting her start with Joni & Friends; continuing her work in radio with Focus on the Family and Salem Communications; and in 1997 she started Media Solutions in the light of her heart for connecting ministries with organizations who can amplify their Biblical message to the world.
Bev also served on the Board of Directors for the Cerebral Palsy Association of Colorado Springs, and was an active church member at Village Seven Presbyterian Church, where she sang in the choir.
Bev is survived by her husband, James E. Singleton; sisters Marjorie Williams, Judy (Bruce) Fiol; brother Doug Kesselring and brother-in-law Jerry Vonderheide; children Clay (Rita) Singleton, Kirk (Kerry) Singleton, Kendra (Steve) Kammer; and grandchildren Jillaine Singleton, Quenby (Jesse) Ramirez, Alden Singleton, Gabrielle Singleton, Hilary Singleton, Havaleh Singleton, Juliette Singleton, Crandall Singleton, Marston Singleton, Rachel (Robert) Koch (great-grandson Daniel), Kendra Singleton, James Singleton, Kenneth Singleton, Owen Kammer, Timothy “Teo” Kammer, Kai Kammer, Elizabeth Antram, and Nicholas Antram. She is preceded in death by her parents, brothers Michael and Don Kesselring, and sisters Marilyn Vonderheide and Carol Kesselring.
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, July 3, at 2pm at Village Seven Presbyterian Church. (A graveside service for family will be held at Pikes Peak National Cemetery at 9am on July 3.)
A livestream of the memorial service will be available through September 1 at https://boxcast.tv/view/bev-singleton-memorial-service—july-3-lujlm8znlx2qo1jqc9dq.
Memorial donations can be made to Covenant College’s Families Helping Families Scholarship Fund: https://app.securegive.com/CovenantCollege/covenant-college/donate/category. (Please make a note, “In memory of Bev Singleton.”)
Ricki and Jerry Pezoldt
30 Jun 2021We have such a blessed assurance of being together again but until that day we will surely miss this dear lady!
liz Gardner
1 Jul 2021May the Lord bless and comfort the family and friends of Bev. She was such an enthusiastic person and her smile glowed everywhere she went. Her sister, Marilyn was one of my good friends and she spoke of her frequently.
Love in Christ,
Dan and Liz Gardner
Rowley, IA
Amy Smith
1 Jul 2021We are so sorry to hear of Aunt Bev’s passing. She was such a joy to know, so bubbly and kind. Even in the midst of a debilitating illness, she had a merry heart and an ear to hear your news. She would look at you with those big eyes and say the funniest things. We will miss her dynamic, hospitable, winning personality. With love to Uncle Jim and all her family,
1 Jul 2021I am so sorry for your loss, and rejoice with you she is with our Lord!
Carole and Walt Gienapp
1 Jul 2021The description of Bev’s personality is very much on point. This was Bev as we all remember her. She certainly left her mark on all of us who called her friend. Our hearts are saddened as we think of her family and loved ones, but as for Bev she is basking in the love of our dear Saviour. You all are in our prayers.
Cheryl Davis
1 Jul 2021I am so sorry for your loss. I adored Bev. I worked in V7PC nursery for 20 years. It was always a pleasure seeing and talking to her.
Ken & Linda Minard
1 Jul 2021The laughter, singing and joyful life is indeed our Beverly Singleton. Heaven is lit up anew with her presence . Our hearts and hugs go out to her family as they go forward. Much love on the name of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Miriam Neff
1 Jul 2021I have been blessed to count her as my friend. Media Solutions blessed our ministry at Widow Connection. A special person. Beautiful in every way. Blessings and comfort to your family at this time. Miriam Neff
Janet Colton
2 Jul 2021We will miss her greatly, she was a beautiful person, loved talking too her!
2 Jul 2021Bev was always such an upbeat, positive person. She was purely delightful. Know that we are praying for your family as you enter into this new phase of life without Bev. Blessings and peace to you all.
Dave and Darla Blue
Ellie LaRoy
2 Jul 2021I am sending my love and prayers to you all. My fond memories are singing in the church choir with you two and attending Rockies games. Bev brought great joy to all who knew her and her love for our Lord shine thru her. I am still in Michigan where we had my beloved toms service. Sad to not be singing with the choir at her service.
The Leonard Family
2 Jul 2021How we all loved Bev for so many years! What a precious and vivacious sister in Christ. She was a wonderful gift to our family. We rejoice that she is face to face with her Lord Jesus, as well as whole and complete with Him. We look forward to eternity together!
Lee and Trudy Goff
3 Jul 2021Always a smile, always lifting everybody up, so pleasant to be with! We will miss her so much.
Rudy and Gloria Drautz
3 Jul 2021We praise GOD for the Blessing of our dear Sister-In-Christ Bev. She did so much to show the Love of Christ in all that she did; she touched the lives of so many to include our family. Our heartfelt sympathies to her life mate, Jim, and all her family.
Cheryl Epp
3 Jul 2021I was so sorry to hear of Bev’s passing. What special memories I have of her – singing in the choir and working for her. What a special lady! Her love for her Lord was evident in everything she did and now she is enjoying His presence. My condolences to Jim and the family. May the Lord comfort you in your sorrow. Praying for you all.
Jane Wise
3 Jul 2021With a friendly smile and sparkling eyes, Bev greeted many at our church. She was a beautiful ambassador for Christ. ( 2 Cor. 5:20 ) May God surround Jim and Family with peace and love.
3 Jul 2021A wonderful woman! She will be greatly missed by us all. See you in heaven, Bev.
Love in Christ.
Nelva Cunningham
3 Jul 2021The older we all grew, the more she seemed to touch more lives. What an earthly treasure she was, sharing what a heavenly blessing awaited us who knew what she knew and responded to it in a positive way. So thankful to renew our friendship on our recent trip to the Holy Land. My condolences to Jim and the rest of the family.
Art & Sharon Scott
5 Jul 2021How exciting, enjoyable & memorable it was to have Bev for a roommate for 2 years at Covenant both in St. Louis & Lookout Mountain. We praise God for her life. She was truly a woman of God. Although we have lived miles apart we will miss her greatly.
Sharon & Arthur Scott
Valerie Snively
11 Jul 2021I was so sad to hear that Bev passed away. I worked with her at Focus on the Family years ago. It was always a joy to hear her humming a tune or singing a phrase from a song. She was a shining example of Christ’s love in the way she treated everyone and made you feel like family. I’ll never forget the encouragement she gave to me during a difficult time. I had to smile remembering when she made a delicious choke cherry pie for an event she and Jim hosted at their home. God blessed so many people through Bev. Until we meet again at Jesus feet.
Valerie Snively
Teresa Dodd
5 Nov 2021I worked with Bev for several years at Focus on the Family. She had a true purity of soul and a kindness of heart that is very hard to find. I loved the times we were able to spend together and have missed regular interactions ever since. She was as beautiful on the inside as she was beautiful on the outside. She will be greatly missed here on earth none so much as her family who are receiving my prayers as they continue on without her. None of us knows what life holds for us in the future but Bev’s example of joy and caring concern are relevant for us all. I’m filled with joy at the prospect of seeing Bev in heaven. What a great lady!!!
Teresa Dodd