Carolyn Morrow, age 63, passed away on Dec 1st 2021. She was a resident of Colorado Springs for 2 years and was formerly a resident of Houston, Texas.
Carolyn was born on June 30th, 1958, to Johnny Lee Norton and Ora Nelson Norton in Houston TX.
Carolyn is survived by her loving children Yolanda Norton and Stephanie Matthess. One sibling, her brother Lionel Lamar Norton, one living Aunt Doris Walker and four loving grandchildren.
A scattering of her ashes will be held at the Rose Garden of the Shrine of Remembrance on January 5th, 2022, at 3:30 PM.
Rella Brown
4 Jan 2022To my dear friend Yo, You was right there im my time of need and I was right there when you visit with your Mother even if it was just on the phone. She held on for some time and now she is no longer suffering and you don’t have to fuss at them nursing in that home. Yo you and your family have my deepest sympathy love you
Cotten Family
4 Jan 2022Love you Mama Morrow. You fought hard and well. God knew your assinment and you accomplished that. We say farewell for now but not good bye. I know we shall see you again. Sending love to all she loved. Fly high????
4 Jan 2022You definitely will be missing Aunt Denise but I know you will have fun with Aunt Adline in heaven . Continue watching over all of us
Michelle Yvette wilson Rougeau
5 Jan 2022She will be missed my condolences yo the family but just to let you know God don’t make no mistakes she is happy where she is at
stephanie matthess
5 Jan 2022Mama I will always remember the good times we have. I love you my angel. I know you with me.
21 Jan 2022Just be strong. She’s in God’s hand. And that best one so are we. Love Mama Sue Oliver would say ?