Colonel Arthur T. Estrada, US Army, 78, of Colorado Springs, CO passed away on November 5, 2024.
Art was born in Holbrook, Arizona, October 25, 1946.
He was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant upon graduation from University of Arizona ROTC June 1968 and served 26 years on active duty as an Armor Officer, including eight years in overseas assignments.
He commanded an Armor Battalion at Fort Carson and subsequently, the US Army Denver Recruiting Battalion and retired July 1994 with his final position being Deputy Director for Operations, US Space Command at Peterson AFB.
He earned degrees from University of Arizona, Shippensburg University, and Army War College.
Art’s family resided in Colorado Springs since 1986 and he worked for ARINC, Inc and Booze Allen Hamilton for 21 years as a consultant supporting US Army Space and Missile Defense Command before retiring in 2016.
He enjoyed retirement years traveling with grandson, Keagan, to several National and State Parks and Monuments and fun locations such as Hawaii and Washington D.C. His favorite pastime was fishing, and he once caught an over-200-pound halibut in Alaska.
Art and his wife were founding members of St. Andrew Kim Catholic Church. Art later became a member of St Mary’s Cathedral, where he served as a sacristan and lector.
Art was preceded in death by SunCha, his wife of 45 years. He loved his family dearly; children: Tim, Chuck & Caroline, grandchildren: Keagan and Morgan, and great grandchildren: Siris, Sieni, and Shakur.
A Celebration of Life Mass will be held at St. Mary’s Cathedral at the beginning of the new year in 2025. More details to be posted.
Steve Young
6 Dec 2024The Buckley SFB military Retiree Activities Office (RAO) would like to offer our sincere condolences and our gratitude for Col Estrada’s 26 years of distinguished service to our country in the Army. If you would like help with any matters related to casualty assistance, Defense Finance & Accounting Service, Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), Veterans Affairs (VA), etc. you can contact our office on Buckley SFB at 720-847-6693 or raobuckley@gmail.com. The RAO is staffed by volunteers, all military retirees themselves, and our sole purpose is to provide assistance to any military retirees and surviving spouses/family members with anything related to their military service and/or benefits, in particular during difficult times such as this. We are deeply sorry for your loss.
Steve Young
Lt Col, USAF, Ret
Director, Buckley SFB RAO