Elizabeth Ermine “Betsy” Waters, age 58, died peacefully on July 10th, 2024, at 8:33PM.  Betsy was born on February 15, 1966, in Baltimore, Maryland to Dr. William Jay Garland and Alice Newbern Garland.  

Betsy grew up in Sewanee, Tennessee until she was eleven years old. She later competed in various equestrian contests as a teenager after moving to Germantown, Tennessee.  She and her mother and brother moved to Colorado Springs in 1981.  She attended Germantown Elementary School in Germantown, Tennessee and graduated from Palmer High School in 1984.  She graduated from The University of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado, in 1990 with a bachelor’s degree in communication. 

Betsy came to Christ while a student at CU Boulder and loved the Lord with all her heart from then on.  She served as a missionary to Mexico in 1990.  On March 7, 1991, she met Major Mel Waters at New Life Church.  They married on April 4, 1992, and moved to Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that August, where she helped Mel receive his master’s degree in practical theology in April 1994.   

In August of 1994, God blessed the Waters family with their first son, Matthew Melvin Waters, and in May of 1996 Mark Marvin Waters joined the family.  Betsy enjoyed helping Mel pastor small groups at New Life Church while attending the boy’s sporting and theatrical events.  She also led a small group that ascended Pikes Peak annually for several years and was a loyal member of The New Life Church Choir.

Betsy was best known for giving encouraging adjectives to people’s names.  For example, she called her son’s “Mighty Man of God Matt and Marvelous Mark.”  Betsy is survived by her husband, Pastor Mel Waters, her sons, Matthew and Mark, her mother, Alice Davis (John), and her brother, John Jay (Kelly) Garland, and a host of loving family members.  

Betsy’s greatest desire was that everyone she knew would come “…to know Christ and to make Him known.”

A graveside service will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, at Pikes Peak National Cemetery.  A Celebration of Life will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, July 19, 2024, at New Life Church. For those who would like to attend via livestream, the link is: https://boxcast.tv/view/betsy-waters-memorial-service-ytlj87me0bd8vgx18j0v

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This Obituary Has 49 Condolences

  1. We have loved beautiful Betsy and are thankful that magnificent Mel shared her with all of us at New Life Church and choir. We will miss her but are thankful she will be waiting in heaven to greet us all.

  2. I’m so sorry for all of your loss Betsy was a very kind soul and was an inspiration to all who knew her

  3. Our hearts and prayers of comfort go out to my lifelong friend Mel and entire Waters family. I met Betsy in person about 3 decades ago and communicated with her regularly thru phone and social media over the years. We shared joys and prayers over the years. She always had an uplifting word for you and she dearly loved her “Pastor Mel” and Mighty Matt and Marvelous Mark. I miss our fb communications already but I rejoice knowing that she is pain-free and with her Lord. I also rejoice that we will meet again in that great eternity with God. Rest well Sweet Beautiful Betsy.

  4. I’m truly sorry for your loss. I will continue to pray for you and your family. Love you cuz.

  5. You and your family Pastor Mel are in my prayers. May the Lord bring you comfort in this time of sorrow .

  6. Mel & Betsy,
    You were lights in Kim ,
    & my life. You both were Jesus in the flesh!! We will miss you Betsy but know Mel, Mathew & Mark will continue your Legacy till we see you again!

  7. Betsy was my first niece as the daughter of my brother Bill Garland I was a freshman at UGA at the time and I remember Bragging about her birth to all who would listen. I always loved being with Betsy and I will always remember her as a very uplifting person who was always concerned about others. These traits were enhanced in a mighty way once Christ came into her life. She was my parent’s first grandchild and they loved her mightily. Once, before she married, she drove from Colorado Springs to Jackson Georgia to visit and this meant more to my parents than anything anyone had ever done for them. Just thinking about how she impacted our lives from a long distance away makes me know how strong her impact was to all her family and friends in Colorado. Betsy certainly fought the good fight, kept the faith and finished the race and now has her victory in Jesus and becomes a verified member of our great cloud of witnesses to advocate for each of us as we struggle through this life.

  8. I have no words my dear brother just know we are praying for all yall 🙏 ❤️ 💙

  9. We have sweet memories of dear Betsy. She was always so full of the love and life of Jesus! Our hearts grieve with her dear family and friends and we celebrate her beautiful life and her reunion with her precious Jesus 💕

  10. Betsy was a wonderful woman; and she will be greatly missed.

  11. We love you all… Praying for each of you 💜The Helzers

  12. I loved Betsy and Mel so much. I will miss Betsy terribly. I was with Betsy and Mel the day they met. My prayers are going out to Mel’s family and Betsy’s. I am so glad she is in heaven now. It is a real understatement to say that it is a better place. Can’t wait till we have all joined her there.

  13. It was with sadness we learned of Betsy’s passing. Mel and Betsy became close friends to our family when we moved to the USA from Australia in 1992. Their kindness to us will never be forgotten. Sending Mel, Matthew, Mark and the extended family our deepest condolences and love. Bruce, Jan, Janelle (Kelly) and Nathan Claridge…Bendigo, Australia.

  14. Prayers for Mel and the boys! Betsy was a beautiful young lady full of life and strength!She was a great blessing in our lives. She will truly be missed!Prayers of Strength during this difficult time! She has served the Lord with all her might!It was a pleasure having her as a Great friend!

  15. Precious woman of God..she deeply touched my ❤️…

  16. The moment we met we had an instant sister-ship. I am FOREVER grateful to ABBA Father for loaning her to us and for her exemplifying the beauty of true womanhood and for always pointing us to Christ and His grace. I will forever hear her beautiful voice calling me by the name she gave me, Awesome in Christ Evamarie💙

  17. 💔😭🙏

  18. My sweet friend Betsy was truly one of a kind. She was the kindest, most positive, encouraging, loving person I think I’ve ever met. I loved her dearly and will miss her deeply. I look forward to being reunited with her in heaven!

  19. Beautiful Betsy, your kindness will never be forgotten. The love you showed to all of us. We were never a stranger when you were in the room. Thank you for all the love and joy you gave. Heaven rejoices to have you.

  20. Prayer and love to all who had the opportunity to know Betsy personally. She was a beacon of love and faith. Betsy will be greatly missed by all. Love, hugs, and prayers

  21. Pastor Mel. Mark and Matt,
    My sincere condolences to you in your loss. I was in choir with Betsy and my late dtr Cindi Streitmatter. Betsy was very comforting to me and my family in honoring her last year.
    Betsy’s legacy is loving the Lord and her family. She’s a Proverbs woman highly honored by so many. My sincerest love and blessings with prayers for you all.

  22. Peter and I send our love and prayers. May the comfort of the Lord become tangible and supernatural as it has been for us.
    Our hearts are with you as you walk through this. She was certainly a bright light in this world and such a beautiful lover of people!
    And now, she’s living her best life ever, because it’s only forever!
    Love and Blessings,
    Peter and LeAnna Tuff

  23. What a beautiful write-up about beautiful Betsy. She did indeed seek to bring and show the love of Jesus everywhere she went and to everyone she met, and she did it well. So sorry for the great loss of your joyful helpmate and friend. Hugs and prayers, Louellen and Randy Welsch.

  24. Betsy was definitely one of a kind. Had a heart of gold. Always loved speaking with her when she worked at Vitamin cottage. She was such an inspiration. Prayers for Mel and her sons and family members and many friends

    God bless

    Carroll (CJ) ingersoll

  25. My heartfelt condolences to the family.
    Mel was a classmate and we grew up in the same neighborhood.
    I never had the chance to meet the family, but I know our Loving God will keep them in perfect peace, and He will wrap His loving arms around them now and in the days ahead.
    Stay strong, my brother in Christ.

  26. I am so sorry dear Betsy went on ahead. She was such a delightful woman and I remember well the first time I met her. She was pushing a stroller through a group of ladies. She was very happy with that stage of her life. I never knew her to be any other way. We will all miss her beautiful countenance and ways.

  27. I express my condolences to the Waters family. I met Betsy through a friend and she was a sweet kind woman. I am glad that we spent some time together studying God’s word. May God give your family peace and comfort as you travel this journey.

  28. Betsy had a beautiful soul she never have a bad day, she was always positive and happy even during her last days she was always cheery. I always look forward during choir practice just to see her smile. She will be missed.

  29. Betsy, you were always such a shining example of pure positivity, love and friendship. We celebrate your homecoming to Heaven and we will miss you terribly here. Mel, Scott & I grieve with you. We send you our love and deepest condolences. We are praying for you and hope to see you soon.

  30. Pastor Mel and Sons, we are deeply grieved at your great loss and will continue to pray for you. One of the most wonderful things about being a Christian is were always connected by the power of the Holy Spirit. May you feel her presence and love and joy now as she is with her Lord. And one day we will be all together in perfect new place with Jesus face-to-face. We love you

  31. Beautiful Blessed Betsy was a kind, gentle, and joyful soul. I was fortunate to know her. I am so sorry for the world’s loss as she was a bright light. God bless her family.

  32. There are those few, among us, of whom were born with an inborn
    mission that during their presence on earth, their spiritual gift is to
    be exposed to the eyes & ears of those who cross their path,
    seemingly like drops of penetrating Joy that soothes and nourishes
    our minds.
    When « the exception to the rule », has been granted to a couple like
    yours Melvin, is it not written somewhere that whoever sows to please
    the spirit, will reap eternal life ?
    If I judge from the words of the numerous witnesses here joined, Betsy
    over accomplished her mission !
    Nicky White (classmate of Melvin 1970)
    Lens, France

  33. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. Love, Cindy and Bruce Combs

  34. I don’t remember one time that I ever saw Betsy without a big smile on her face. She was always so filled with the joy of the Lord and the desire to make others feel cared about. I always enjoyed seeing her worshiping the Lord in the choir. And we will join her someday in worshiping our precious Savior and Lord in Heaven. ❤️

  35. I am in utter shock of this news. Betsy you’re such a light. Your laughter and spirit was so contagious, I Love every bit of who you were. Your words were always life with great Faith. The amount of Joy you carried always brought one at peace and Joy. My heart hurts cause I’m going to miss you so dearly but my spirit rejoices cause I know I will see you again. Pastor Mel, we send our condolences to you and your beautiful family. We have you all in our prayers.

    Ruth Llamas Valencia

  36. We are so sad at the passing of Betsy. She was a real light in a dark world. She was our twins first pre school teacher when they were 2 1/2 and they couldn’t say Waters, they said “Waloo” she became affectionately known as Mrs. Waloo in our home and to this very day. All our love to the Waters family.

  37. I was deeply saddened to hear about the loss of Betsy. She was truly a remarkable woman, full of life and grace. Her warmth and welcoming spirit touched the lives of so many, including mine.

    As a proud mother and a loving wife, she exemplified dedication and love in every facet of her life. Her unwavering faith in Jesus was evident in the way she lived, inspiring all who knew her.

    Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this incredibly difficult time. May you find comfort in the beautiful memories you shared and the love she generously gave everyone around her.

    With heartfelt condolences,

    Carrie Woodruff

  38. Amazing Betsy, you were a bright light to this world! Always encouraging, sweet and was always welcomed with your beautiful smile. You will be missed dearly, until we see you again, give my Kathy Nash, Mama and Papa Nash a hug from me. Your were truly a blessing and God gave you a wonder man of God, Mel and your precious sons, Matthew and Mark. I know God’s love is surrounding your family during this time and always.

  39. You were the most supportive evangelist around. You always had a sweet smile and I loved being around you! I know you are sliding down the streets of gold in heaven! You will be dearly missed!

  40. All our love and prayers to you, Mel, Matthew, and Mark at this time. Betsy was such a ray of light everywhere she went. I laughed because she sometimes had difficulty coming up with adjectives for me that started with a K, but she was always successful! She made others feel like they were the most important person in the room. What a joy and blessing.
    God’s goodness, grace, and mercy on you. Can’t wait to celebrate with her in Heaven.
    Much love,
    Gary and Kim Trobee

  41. Beloved Betsy gurl, you are so kind and sweet and such a honoring woman of your God your family and your friends ! You nicknamed me Christ-liked Kathie which was over and beyond what I deserved … but such a lovely suggestion ! I will always hope to be Christ liked … I will miss you and always think of you in such endearing thoughts ! I will pray for your boys and Mel and their grieving over letting you go for the short time till they see you again !! Until then enjoy your time with the Lord and all His people !!!! Blessings friend !! Love Kathie Sethman

  42. My deepest condolences. Besty was such an inspiration

  43. She was such a joy and she brought light into every room she entered.

  44. I had the honor of teaching Betsy vocal lessons many years ago. Her bright, cheerful, and beautiful spirit amazed me. I will never forget her sweet spirit and the joy she would bring to every room she entered. Pastor Mel and Betsy helped me finish my Masters of Divinity by completing my interview requirements and I was so thankful for this. Pastor Mel and Boys I am so sorry for your loss I will be praying for you. Sincerely, Christina Worley

  45. I, too, was shocked & saddened to hear that our Beautiful Betsy had left us so soon. She always had a smile on her face & a twinkle in her eyes!
    Pastor Mel, You & Betsy showed the world what a loving marriage should be! What a wonderful legacy for your sons, Matthew & Mark!
    Someday we’ll have our reunion with our LORD JESUS & all be together again. 🙏❤️☝🏻🙋🏻‍♀️

  46. Just heard today about Betsy today. Sad to hear about your loss. Betsy was a shining light for all to see. Her joy was contagious and she always brought encouragement to all. Can you imagine what she is doing now?

    Mark and Becky Salas

  47. Having just heard of Betsy’s graduation from this life and there is so much evidence of her joyous and faithful service while among us. Her infectious joy, encouraging and wise words of truth will continue to bear fruit in the lives of those whom she touched.
    Praying for you-Pastor Mel, Matt, Mark and family, as well as community as you continue the road marked out before you.

  48. I miss her so much. Thanks for all of your kind words.

  49. Dear Pastor Mel
    I did not know about my sister Betsy” until today. Yehovah GOD be with you and the boys and family and friends. I am so sorry.

    Love Alleluyah Williams (and Shirley)

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