Gweneviere Mae Schwanke was born on April 14th, 2023. She gained her angel wings on June 11th, 2023. She is survived by her parents, Brian & Jamie Schwanke (Colorado Springs), brother, Liam Schwanke (Colorado Springs), grandparents, Jurgen & Jacqueline Schwanke (Westcliffe), Samuel & April Brack (Parker) and Jeanne Malila (Littleton), as well as many aunts, an uncle, great grandparents and other family members.
She passed away peacefully in the beautiful mountains of Colorado. Her short time on this earth touched so many lives. She was tiny but mighty, with a diva attitude. She holds such a special place in our hearts. We take comfort in knowing that Gweney is now watching over us from above. She is held tightly in the loving arms of God and in the arms of loved ones already in Heaven.
Please join us in a service of remembrance on Monday, June 26th at 10:00 am at Evergreen Cemetery, 1005 Hancock Expressway, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903. Followed by a reception at Harmony Hall, 3815 North Academy Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917.
Marchelle Carlton
16 Jun 2023I’m so sorry for your little baby, Gueneviere May’s, passing. May you have God’s blessing of peace in your hearts.
Barbara Lechuga
17 Jun 2023Grieving with you over the devastating loss of your sweet baby girl. Praying for all of you to be wrapped in the loving arms of Jesus and that you will be comforted. Much love to all of the family.
Helen A Lehman
17 Jun 2023So very sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family. God has received another angel to watch over all.
Cindy Levorah
18 Jun 2023My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. May your hearts be filled with the love she shared with you.
23 Jun 2023I send a lot of love ,prayers and healing. I think of you both every day. Love you so much.
Angela Wills
Tom Mentzer
24 Jun 2023I am so sorry for the loss of Gwenny. I know how much you loved her. You all are in my thoughts and prayers. Love you all.
Chris and Carol Hill
24 Jun 2023You are in our prayers. God bless you all and give you peace
Melissa McCoy
24 Jun 2023My deepest condolences to you all! You are on my prayers 🙏