Jerry Dean Dooley was born January 28, 1938. He passed away February 5, 2021 in Yoder, Colorado. Blessed be his memory. Send FlowersClick to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) This Obituary Has One Condolence Judith Osborne 11 Feb 2021 Reply May care and love of those around you provide comfort and peace to get you through the days ahead. We wish we could be standing by your side. Hoping our friendship and prayers ease your pain at this difficult time. Love Ken and Judy Leave Your Condolences Cancel reply
Judith Osborne 11 Feb 2021 Reply May care and love of those around you provide comfort and peace to get you through the days ahead. We wish we could be standing by your side. Hoping our friendship and prayers ease your pain at this difficult time. Love Ken and Judy
Judith Osborne
11 Feb 2021May care and love of those around you provide comfort and peace to get you through the days ahead. We wish we could be standing by your side. Hoping our friendship and prayers ease your pain at this difficult time. Love Ken and Judy