
With heavy hearts and profound grief, we announce the passing of Mrs. JingZhao Zeng, age 84, of Colorado Springs, CO. She passed away peacefully and went into the Lord’s arms on September 9, 2024, surrounded by her loving family.

JingZhao Zeng was born on August 15, 1940, in Hepu, Guangxi, as Zeng Qiwei’s and Gao Lihua’s only cherished daughter. She graduated from HePu Normal School, Guangxi, China, in 1958. She married Shande Zhou in 1960 and had two daughters and one son.

JingZhao dedicated her life to her family and community and was known for her patience, kindness, tenderness, and humility. She was a godly woman, a devoted wife, mother, grandmother, and friend. She was baptized in August 2002 at New Life Chinese Church while on a visit to the U.S. to see her children. She loved God with all her heart and strength toward the end of her life.

JingZhao is survived by her loving husband ShanDe Zhou, her daughters Rachel Zhou (Aaron Chen) and Hope Zhou (Jack Chen), Peter Zhou, three grandchildren, and their families.

In memory of her as a loving wife, mother, grandmother, and dear sister in the Lord, we sincerely invite you to attend the following events:


  • 05:00 ~ 07:00 pm Monday, September 16, 2024.
  • “America the Beautiful” Chapel, Shrine of Remembrance, 1780 East Fountain Boulevard Colorado Springs, CO 80910

Celebration of Life

  • 11:30 am ~ 12:45 pm Tuesday, September 17, 2024
  • World Prayer Center, New Life Church North, 11025 Voyager Pkwy, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
  • Reception following celebration.


我们怀着沉重的心情和深切的悲痛宣布,曾敬昭女士于科罗拉多州科罗拉多斯普林斯市去世, 终年84 岁。2024 年 9 月 9 日,她在挚爱家人的陪伴下安详离世,安息主怀。

她于 1940 年 8 月 15 日出生于广西合浦市,是曾其伟和高丽华唯一的女儿。她于 1958 年毕业于中国广西合浦师范学校,1960年与周善德结婚,育有二女一男。

曾敬昭将毕生奉献给了家庭和社会,因耐心、仁慈、温柔和谦逊为人尊敬。她是一位敬虔的女性,一位忠诚的妻子、母亲、祖母、和朋友。于2002 年 8 月和丈夫在美国探望孩子期间,曾敬昭在新生命华人教会受洗归入耶稣基督。她一生全心全意地爱主直到生命的尽头。在“主我献上生命给你”的歌声中,进入永恒的安息。

曾敬昭身后留下了深爱她的丈夫周善德、女儿 周红英(陈贤宏)和 周红斌(陈剑)、儿子周勇、三个孙子孙女及他们的家人。


遗容瞻仰:2024 年 9 月 16 日星期一下午 5 点至 7点,“America the Beautiful” Chapel, Shrine of Remembrance

                        1780 East Fountain Boulevard Colorado Springs, CO 80910

追思礼拜:2024 年 9 月 17 日星期二上午 11:30 至下午 12:45,世界祷告中心

                       新生命教会,世界祷告中心,11025 Voyager Pkwy,Colorado Springs, CO 80921


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