Our beloved mom, grandmother, and great-grandmother, JoAnn Sylvia (West) Snider, age 87, fell asleep on May 18, 2024, in Colorado Springs, Colorado and is awaiting the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18

 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and

with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet 

 the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

JoAnn was born on January 3, 1937, to Sam and Hilda (Dean) West in Canton, Ohio. After high school she went to nursing school and became a registered nurse. On June 5, 1960, she married Charles Lake Snider in Canton, Ohio, and then moved to McClure, Ohio where their son was born a year later.

Chuck and JoAnn moved back and forth between Ohio and California for a few years before ultimately settling in San Jose, California where they enjoyed the sunshine for 51 years (1966-2017). They decided to move up to Mill Creek, Washington to be closer to Karen and her family in 2017 (2017-2024) and then JoAnn moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado, to spend time with Brenda and her family in January 2024. JoAnn raised her family to enjoy work and love God by teaching through her sweet kind example and her life.

JoAnn was fond of nature hikes in Northern California’s Big Basin Redwood State Park with her husband, Charles, and their three children. She also enjoyed visiting the beach every Sunday afternoon after going to a Way Home Fellowship at a home in the beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains. JoAnn would teach Children’s Fellowship in the morning. She fellowshipped with The Way International.

She is survived by her children: Chuck (Sarah) Snider, Brenda (Wendell) Griffith, and Karen (Don) Hatch; her grandchildren: Zachery (Stephanie), Jeremy (Heather), Paul, Sierra (Justin), Amy (Kyle), and Jolene (Taylor); and her great-grandchildren: Dominic, Perrin, Merrick, and Remington.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles, who was 89 years old.

A Recognition Service will be held at 4:30pm on Saturday, July 6, 2024 (by invitation) at Rosehill Community Center, 304 Lincoln Ave, Mukilteo, WA. A reception will follow the service. JoAnn will be laid to rest next to Charles Snider at Evansport Cemetery in Ohio on July 27.

If you would like to donate in her honor and memory, please use the “Give” button at theway.org website.

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This Obituary Has 2 Condolences

  1. Mom was the best. Dad and Mom both. We were spoiled with the best of parents who had the right balance of the love of God (with a lot of fun) with the truths of God’s Word to impart to their children.

    Sometimes we had Fellowships at our home with just our Family.
    Mom would lead the singing with her great voice and Dad would teach God’s Word.

    Mom was always ready to pack a quick picnic basket because Dad wanted to explore Yosemite, the Pinnacles, Lake Tahoe, Monterey, Sand Dollar Beach, the Redwoods, Big Basin that weekend from our home in San Jose, California.

    And Mom was famous for packing for much longer trips to the East Coast to be with her brother Victor and his wife family in Virginia and of course to visit all the Ohio relatives.

    From 5-7 days we tent trailer camped from Coast to Coast during the summer time because of Dad’s Business Professor position at San Jose City College.

    We were excited, also to attend the Rock of Ages.

    Mom worked as a registered nurse and later at Xerox and other companies and into her 70’s.

    She was always present at any Way Ministry Function. And always volunteered to bring what was needed.

    Even at 80 years of age Mom hosted Way Leadership and helped with the accounting for the Western Region as Dad had done the same before for the The Way during the early times in the Western Region called Way West in the 60s and 70s.

    Many books could be written about Mom and Dad’s life together serving and living God’s Word.

    Thank God, God’s record of our lives is much more detailed than our attempts.

    And Dad and Mom will be rewarded at the Bema as all Believers in Christ and will enjoy eternity together with God’s presense on His throne and Christ’s presence on his throne on the Beautiful New EARTH and Spectacular New HEAVENS together with God’s People and God’s Angels.

  2. Dear Aunt

    Dearest Grandma,
    Thank you for all the love and joy you poured into us. I cherish every moment we got to spend time together.

    I will always remember the times we made brownies, pancakes and apple cobblers together. I cherish the time you would tell me stories of your childhood, it is like peering into a different part of history. I still keep the Reminisce magazines you gifted me back in 2011.

    You are a light and inspiration to everyone you touch. We love you very much!


    Your Grandson

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