Here’s the deal: John Wayne Martinez passed on November 23, 2024, while stubbornly at his home with family. Born February 20, 1971, he lived and died the same way: on his terms, without exception or apology.
John lived in Colorado Springs for the last 20 years but left his imprint across more miles and more lives than anyone will ever fully understand.
He fought the War on cancer with a grace that was undeniable, a strong faith that God had a plan for him and the logic of Memento Mori (everyone dies).
John took every stray that came to the door and even a few animals. He fed them then made them feel like this was their home too. Each pet that he reluctantly took in was spoiled without mercy. John treated everyone he met with the same respect and compassion regardless of how they arrived in his life. He always had time to help where he could, never seeming to tire. He managed our lives as needed and made sure to give us the tools to live without him.
He will head to the Rainbow bridge to gather his babies before he reports ON time to the gates of Heaven where Mary Jane Garcia, Raymond Garcia and David L. Martinez Sr. are waiting for their much beloved son.
Sisters Diana Martinez and Jeannie Martinez and brother David Martinez are left to gather the memories and stories and to celebrate his life. His many nieces and nephews will be telling the stories of all his catch phrases, adventures and times he showed up for someone with his quiet support.
Only the good die young and he was the best of us.
A Memorial Service will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, December 2, 2024, at the Shrine of Remembrance “America the Beautiful” Chapel, 1730 E. Fountain Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80910. A second service in Denver will follow at a later date.