Larry Van Dikeman, 66 years old, passed away on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, 2025. He was a resident of Colorado Springs for 28 years. He was formally a resident of Yate City, Illinois. He was a Space Systems Engineer. Prior to that he was in the United States Air Force, where he worked as a Firefighter and later in the space field.
Larry Dikeman was born on July 31 to Harold and Betty Briggs Dikeman. On October 16, he married Jean Anne Strappe in Yate City, Illinois, at the Faith United Presbyterian Church. He was fond of working on computers, trucks, and working around the house. He was very good at making home repairs. He also enjoyed astronomy and got his private pilot license in 1992. He and his wife enjoyed seeing the world through the military. They were fortunate to see the total solar eclipse in 2024. He attended Yates City School and graduated in 1976. He served in the United States Air Force for 22 years. After the military retirement, he continued his education and received his bachelor’s degree.
He is survived by his loving wife, Jean Anne Dikeman; his brother, Rick Dikeman; and his sister, Linda Dikeman McDonald. He was preceded in death by his parents, Harold and Betty Briggs Dikeman.
A memorial will be held at the graveside on Monday, March 31, 2025, at 2:00 P.M at the Pikes Peak National cemetery. A memorial can be made in memory of Larry Dikeman to the United Way or Easter Seals.

Steve Young
24 Mar 2025The Buckley SFB military Retiree Activities Office (RAO) would like to offer our sincere condolences and our gratitude for Mr. Dikeman’s 22 years of service to our country in the Air Force. If you would like help with any matters related to casualty assistance, Defense Finance & Accounting Service, Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), Veterans Affairs (VA), etc. you can contact our office on Buckley SFB at 720-847-6693 or raobuckley@gmail.com. The RAO is staffed by volunteers, all military retirees themselves, and our sole purpose is to provide assistance to any military retirees and surviving spouses/family members with anything related to their military service and/or benefits, in particular during difficult times such as this. We are deeply sorry for your loss.
Steve Young
Lt Col, USAF, Ret
Director, Buckley SFB RAO