November 17, 1947 – December 14, 2022
Robert “Bobby” Garrett, a lifelong Colorado Springs resident, passed away on December 14, 2022.
Bobby was born on November 17, 1947 in Colorado Springs to William Leroy Garrett and Thelma Irene (Hale) Garrett. He graduated from Palmer High School and was active in their drama club, attended Pikes Peak Community College, and later graduated from Nazarene Bible College.
He was a longtime manager for S&S Amusement Company, where he managed and maintained electronic gaming and vending machines for military and the Colorado Springs area. He was also the manager of Plaza of the Rockies Ice Chalet, introducing them to computers, and was a longtime courier for Springs Funeral Services where he formed many close relationships and loved the beautiful people he worked for.
Bob was a member of Westsiders of Colorado Springs and had many longtime friends he loved to chat with. He was very gifted at loving people and was extremely dedicated to his relationships. He was a true leader and loved by all who knew him.
Bob attended protestant churches throughout his life and was a dedicated believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible. He was looking forward to meeting his loved ones in Heaven, especially his Lord and Savior. Bob struggled with a lengthy illness but finished the race well, holding onto his faith to the day he passed. 2Timothy 4:7 He was loving the reformed ways of thinking and loved RC Sproul, Dr. John MacArthur and most recently was enjoying Voddie Bauchman. He called them the great Bible teachers and Pastors of today and loving what they stood for.
Bob left behind some great treasures with his photography talent, creating his pictures in his own dark room. He captured many great moments of his family, friends and God’s creation.
He is survived by four brothers: Billy (Linda) Garrett, Kenny (Yvonne) Garrett, Ike (Sue) Garrett, and Danny Garrett; two sisters: Debbie (Larry) Lawrence, and Patty Garrett; several nieces and nephews and great-great ones whom he considered to be all his children, always looking out for them. He was preceded in death by his beloved parents, and sister, Dixie Garrett, whom he cared for for many years, and 2 Irish setters he loved named Big Sur and Sarra.
A visitation will be from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at the Shrine of Remembrance, 1730 E. Fountain Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80910. A funeral service will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, January 6, 2023 at the Shrine of Remembrance “America the Beautiful” Chapel. A reception will follow (location to be determined). Entombment will be at the Shrine of Remembrance Mausoleum.
Memorials in Bobby’s name may be made to JoniandFriends.org (advancing disability ministry and changing the church and communities around the world).
Kristie Hawkins
24 Dec 2022Dear Pam,
So sorry to see this. Sounds like he was a wonderful man. My condolences to you and your family.
Kristie Adler Hawkins
Anthony Griffin
24 Dec 2022We love you Uncle Bobby and will be very missed
Carolyn Bevier
24 Dec 2022My dear sweet Bob! It’s always heartbreaking to lose someone we loved being with and what a gentle soul. Thank you for your kindness and guidance through our time together at S & S . I miss you…
Nancy Kowalski
24 Dec 2022Bob and I had many great conversations about everything. He knew a lot of history about Colorado Springs. His stories were so interesting.
Bob was a very kind man. He love working for The Springs Funeral Services and loved everyone who worked there.
I will miss him but I know he’s on to a new adventure. I’m feel lucky to have known him.
Rosie Lovato
25 Dec 2022So sorry to here about Robert. He was such a thoughtful person. The kindest and joyful person I ever knew. A true Westsiders. A great photographer. My prayers and thoughts with the family.
Deanna Bradley
25 Dec 2022I have so many beautiful memories of Roop( I don’t know how that name came about but he was Roop from the start). He rented a room in my house for several years & this was when we took a photography class & set up a dark room in the basement. It is also when we both got our Irish setters. I cherish those times so very much! My father was the owner S&S Amusement when Roop started working there. He respected Roop very much & Said he was the best employee! He was a personal friend of my whole family & will be missed. My condolences to all his family.
Carrie Paul
26 Dec 2022Oh how I will miss you my dear sweet Roop! It breaks my heart that you are gone but I know you are so happy in the loving embrace of our Lord and Savior!!! ?
Susanne Clark
26 Dec 2022Bobby you will be greatly missed. You were a kind soul and I am blessed to have the conversations we had. I send my condolences to the family as I’ve known Danny since I was a little girl, Danny is my sisters dad. God Bless
Alicia and Larry Perkins
26 Dec 2022Dear Pam and all the Garrett families: we are so sorry to see his passing! Although we were not around much I would frequently see his posts on Facebook. What a great loving attitude he showed! Heaven is the perfect place for him to live! We thank you for taking care of all things pertaining to his homegoing!
Carol Barrett
30 Dec 2022To the Garrett/Hale family, we are so sorry to hear of the passing of our dear nephew and cousin, Bob Garrett. We all really appreciated Bob’s love and care for so many of our family members. He did so much to keep the Hale reunion going strong, and helped us all to stay connected for many years. We especially love all of his FB posts with family photos and memories. Bob’s legacy will be the love he had for family and his Savior Jesus Christ. We all connected with Bob as a brother in Christ and know he is wholly healed and full of Joy in his new heavenly home and is enjoying a great Hale/Garret reunion there! Much love & prayers from Fern, Carol, Mark & Laurie, Linda and Darlene Webster (donation made to Joni & Friends in honor of Robert Garrett)
Beverly ( Hale) Winsett and Joe Winsett
2 Jan 2023Bobby was a true disciple of Jesus Christ. He lived his faith and shared it with others. He loved and cared for several family members and posted wonderful pictures of the Hake/Garrett family. In spite of health issues, he didn’t complain. He trusted God would be with him no matter what. We will miss him but he’s reconnecting with lots of family in heaven.
Dona Gustafson
3 Jan 2023So sad for those of us who will miss the conversations, though not frequent, always deep, and the love, the sweet love he gave so easily. But … SO happy knowing he is now in the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, (with Ted and many others of our family) and … that we’ll see him again! TGBTG!
Sandra Hale, Bud and Rosa Lee Hale’s daughter.
4 Oct 2023I am sad to later learn of my cousin, Bobby’s death last year. Sending love and condolences to all his close family and friends. He was much loved in our wonderful, big Hale family. Even with the challenge of a long term illness, he was a shining example of being of good cheer, loving others, and generously giving of himself in service to others. We celebrate that he is in his final resting place with Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer.💗🙏