Sandra Elizabeth Tessier, age 80, passed away on August 29, 2021. Sandra was born on April 16, 1941, to Wilfred St. Antoine and Margaret (Orr) St. Antoine in Windsor, Ontario Canada. On June 6, 1959, she married David Tessier. Shortly after marrying, Sandra left Canada for Germany to join David on his first military assignment. Having never been more than 50 miles outside of her home city of Windsor, Sandra embraced the move to Germany as a big adventure.
Sandra spent many years moving as a devoted military Army wife and hockey mom. With each new assignment, she made a home for her family. Later in life, Sandra became an American citizen, but her love of Canadian people and hockey never faded. She firmly believed Canadians are the nicest people in the world and hockey is the best sport.
The family’s final assignment location was Colorado Springs. It was here, Sandra began working at School District 11 and eventually Pikes Peak Community College as a librarian. When she became a grandmother her love of books continued as she read to her grandchildren, when they were older she traded books back and forth with them.
Her love of traveling continued throughout her life. Sandra and David visited Europe many times during their 54 years together, both for vacations and as chaperones for local high school student’s summer European tours. They also visited Hawaii, Australia, and many US cities during their retirement.
Sandra loved to quilt and shared this passion with her husband, grandchildren, and numerous friends. As a crafty seamstress, Sandra sewed everything from hot mats, quilts, to dresses for her granddaughters. Sandra was also a passionate baker. Thanksgiving dinner was never complete without a slice of her pumpkin, apple, or mincemeat pies. Her holiday butter tarts, on the other hand, were legendary. Family members would hide any leftover butter tarts from each other so they could savor the final butter tart of the year.
Sandra will be greatly missed. She is survived by her children: son Thomas and his wife Terry and their two children Kelsey and Mckenna and son David and his wife Pam and their two children Elizabeth and Caitlin. She was preceded in death by her husband, David Tessier, two brothers, and both of her parents.
In lieu of flowers, the family suggests that memorial gifts may be made to Jefferson County Library Foundation via the following link: